Current exam dates Master BWL/VWL
This information is for your preliminary information only and is therefore without guarantee. Only the notice on the notice board of the student and examination administration or the examination board is binding.
The room allocation will be determined after the withdrawal deadline.
Below you will find the dates for exams. The exam dates will be assigned centrally this year.
Please note that the examinations can only be held if hygiene measures are strictly adhered to. You can find more information about this on the Corona information pages of the HHU:
Important notes:
Dear students,
the examinations taking place from 26.07.2021 are under special omens, as certain rules regarding hygiene have to be observed. This results in certain implications for the conduct of the examinations, which we would like to briefly inform you about at this point:
- The identity check, the admission as well as the taking of the marked seats will take longer than usual due to the special rules. For this reason, it is necessary to arrive in front of the respective room already 30 minutes before the actual start of the exam. We ask for your understanding.
- Please adhere to the spacing rules. Furthermore, it is mandatory to wear a medical mask/FFP2 mask on the entire campus and also during the exam.
- If you have any symptoms of illness, do not come to the exam under any circumstances. In this regard, we would like to point out that due to the Rector's Regulations for the Corona Crisis, non-attendance at exams is considered a withdrawal and does not have any negative consequences.
We wish you every success for the upcoming exams.
With best regards
Examination Board/Dean of Studies
*Necessary changes reserved.