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The information event on stays abroad in the academic year 2025/26 took place on November 26, 2024. You can find last year's presentation here.

The application period for a stay abroad always begins on December 15 and ends on January 15 (11:59 p.m.) before the start of the academic year in which you would like to go abroad. The next application phase for a study abroad at one of our partner universities in the academic year 2025/2026, i.e., in the winter term 2025/2026 or in the summer term 2026, begins on December 15, 2024 and ends on January 15, 2025.


The next application phase for a study abroad at one of our partner universities in the academic year 2025/2026 begins on December 15, 2024 and ends on January 15, 2025.

To apply for a semester abroad, please follow the steps below:

1. complete the online application and sign it. Please only select universities with which our faculty has a cooperation agreement, i.e., universities listed on this homepage.

2. send the completed and signed application form together with the following documents as one summarised pdf file and the subject ‘Application for a Semester broad’ to: exchange.busecon(at)hhu.de .

  • Signed application form
  • General letter of motivation including reasons for your preferences
  • CV with photo
  • Current transcript of records from HHU (1st Bachelor's semester: Abitur certificate / Bachelor's (from 2nd semester): Current overview of grades/ Master’s: Bachelor certificate + current overview of grades)
  • Current certificate of enrolment from HHU

Please only use your HHU e-mail address.

Please note that you can only apply for a semester abroad if you are enrolled in the same degree programme at HHU at the time of application and during your stay abroad. I.e., you can apply for a Bachelor's exchange place if you are enrolled on a Bachelor's degree programme in Business and Economics at HHU both at the time of application and during your stay abroad. This also applies to applications for an exchange place on a Master's programme. You will receive further information on this at the information event in November 2024.

After the application deadline (January 15), a selection committee will decide on the applications received. Please note that due to the limited number of exchange places, not every application will be successful. By mid-March at the latest, you will be informed by e-mail whether and where you will be offered a place to study abroad. After receiving the offer, please complete the declaration of acceptance and send it by the deadline stated in the e-mail to exchange.busecon(at)hhu.de .

Please also note the information provided by the International Office on Erasmus stays abroad.

* Only for Bachelor's degree programme
** Only for Master's degree programme

a Cergy/ESC Pau:
Due to the limited number of courses offered in English, a good knowledge of French is recommended. ESC Pau: Courses in English are offered (Business Administration).

b Université II Paris Panthéon-Assas:
Only for economics students with B2 language skills in French or English. Due to the limited number of courses offered in English, a good knowledge of French is recommended.

c Université de Rennes 1:
Business administration and economics students are admitted to Rennes. However, mainly economics courses can be attended there. A good knowledge of French is recommended.

d Université de Strasbourg:
Business administration and economics students are admitted to Strasbourg. Business administration is affiliated to the Faculty of Law. Courses from the exchange programme (AES modules) can be selected from the fields of law, business studies and economics.  The maximum length of stay in Strasbourg is 10 months (so exams can be retaken if they are not passed)
Please note the following link.

e Trinity College:
In principle, both Bachelor's and Master's students can apply for a stay in Dublin. However, it should be noted that the division between undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Trinity College differs from that at HHU. It may therefore be more difficult for Master's students at HHU to have courses recognised as Master's modules.

f Università degli Studi di Bologna:
Only for students of business administration.

g Università degli studi di Firenze:
Good knowledge of Italian of at least B1 recommended. Incoming students can attend a free Italian language course.

h Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona):
Minimum language skills English/Spanish/Catalan: B1. Good knowledge of Spanish (or Catalan) is recommended.

* Only for students in the Bachelor's degree programme
** Only for students in the Master's degree programme

i Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, Israel:
The place is currently only open to Master's students who wish to take business courses. Furthermore, the Coller School of Management requires a TOEFL test with a minimum score of 100, which must be submitted to us by the beginning of March at the latest.

j Japanese universities:
For all Japanese universities except the Asian Pacific University Beppu, an additional six-month lead time applies before the semester abroad can begin in the summer semester of the following year. For all Japanese universities, either Japanese language proficiency is required to study in Japanese or proof of English language proficiency (usually TOEFL) is required to study in English in Japan. In the case of APU, sufficient English proficiency is required, which must be proven by means of a certificate (e.g. TOEFL). This university is only open to Bachelor students.
Further information can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact Renate Thamm (International Office).

k Graduate School of Management, UC Davis, USA:
One place exempt from tuition fees is available every two years. The next time an application is possible is for the academic year 2026/2027. Proof of sufficient English language skills is required: IELTS: 7, TOEFL: 600 (paper-based test), 250 (computer-based test), 100 (internet-based test).

l Global Study Program der UC Davis, USA:
As part of the cooperation agreement between HHU and UC Davis, HHU students can be sent to the partner university at reduced tuition fees. The reduced tuition fees currently amount to approx. € 7,800 (tuition fees only, excluding accommodation; please contact UC Davis directly for the current tuition fees). Please find further information here.
Part of the tuition fees can be covered by BAföG abroad. Please refer to the pages on BAföG applications for more information.

m American University, Washington, USA:
For a stay abroad at the American University in Washington, tuition fees of around USD 8,500 per semester are charged (tuition fees only, excluding accommodation). In addition, a TOEFL test with a minimum score of 80 is required. Please note the following information.
Part of the tuition fees can be covered by BAföG abroad. Please refer to the pages on BAföG applications for more information.

n University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA:
As part of the university partnership with the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW), students from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can apply directly to the HHU International Office for a free place. This place will be allocated among the applications from all faculties. In addition, students can apply to the HHU International Office for a place at UNCW in exchange for tuition fees. Please note the following information.

o Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam: 
The Foreign Trade University currently charges a semester fee, similar to the social contribution at HHU, of approximately €180.

In addition, some places at partner universities are allocated centrally by the International Office. Information on how to apply can be found here.

You can find experience reports on the partner universities in ILIAS (password: Ausland) or on the pages of the International Office.

Questions about Learning Agreements can be asked during the general consultation hours. However, please read the information sheet beforehand.

Information on traineeships abroad can be found on the website of the International Office.

In addition to the faculty partnerships, there are university-wide partnerships. Places at these partner universities are allocated centrally by the International Office. Information on the partner universities and how to apply for university-wide places can be found here.